Who Is Andrew Fox? The creator of Mobile Agency Apps

Update: New product from Aiden Booth. Read my Parallel Profits review for more information.

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Andrew Fox is a native of the UK and is mostly renowned as a highly successful affiliate marketer and software developer. Over the course of his career, Andrew has had several software products developed that have allowed individuals to better leverage their online marketing capabilities. Andrew believes the future of business is in app building, since the trend is gaining relevance very quickly all over the world. The following are among his most popular software creations:

I) Zapable

This point-and-click software is easy to use and enables you to develop a mobile app to your very own specifications and from scratch. It comes with features that are well-suited for a broad range of niche markets and businesses, with most of them requiring unique app designs that cater to their specific target market.

One of the major advantage to using the software builder developed by Fox is that it features a custom design module, and that enables you to fashion the outline/layout of your apps. For example, you can install icons, articles, or videos on the front of your website depending on what type of product you are selling. Also, you can display common functions like the services, categories, or products that you offer.

The modern widget system offered by Zapable makes the process of designing apps a matter of simply dragging slides, and determining what you want your website to look like. The following are some exciting features of the app that Andrew has developed:

a) Ability for creating a directory for different industries like real estate and tourism as well as others. A listings page can be installed, along with social interaction and a location finder on your website. Your location finder can also be customized so that multiple sites are included, so that visitors can locate listing based on the proximity of your location.

b)Multiple e-Commerce applications may be added to your site. Zapable provides you access to different shopping features like Custom Catalog, Amazon, Shopify, and iTunes that can be added to your website directly.

II) WP Scope

Another one of the turnkey inventions from Andrew Fox is WP Scope. It is a WordPress Plugin that utilizes the Periscope video streaming app for publishing trending film content and generating sales and leads for markets at the same time. This app was created by Andrew to help marketers tap into their focus market groups, as well as increase traffic through capitalizing on opportunities that many competitors probably are not aware of.

WP Scope provides you constant traffic flowing from Periscope, which is a very popular video marketing tool that Twitter owns. WP Scope by Andrew Fox provides you with the opportunity to automate the process of earning high profits, and leveraging the internet’s most popular video content. WP Scope, in fact, is the very first software to use Periscope exclusively to build a pre-programmed, revolutionary video profits system. The following are some of the main features of the app:

a) Unlimited number of videos available only on your website
b) Completely automated process
c) Compatible with all market niches
d) Free updates and lifetime support from WP Scope
e) One-click updates
f) Setup step-by-step instructions along with tutorial videos

In summary, the WP Scope plugin from Andrew Fox provides you with three different approaches for generating profits online – automated content creation, viral traffic, and video.

Personal beliefs:

For individuals entering the tech-world, Andrew Fox is a very strong believer in the power of networking and encourages them to seek out peers and mentors who can assist them with succeeding in their careers. Com Mirza is one of Andrew’s greatest influencers. He is a software guru that Andre met through his friend Dave Mizrachi who had invited him to come to a tech event where the guest speaker was Com.

Following the forum, Andrew connected with Com Mirza via his Facebook page and they then developed a great vibe, and later Cam completed Andrew by telling him that he saw a lot of potential in Andrew Fox that he would do really great things throughout his career. Also, Com invited Andrew to Dubai to attend his preliminary Billion Dollar Mastermind conference, and they formed a great friendship after that.

Since that time, Com Mirza has continued to invest a great deal of resources into the projects of Andrew’s and vice versa, and he has been an invaluable mentor to Andrew as well. Therefore, whether it is offline or offline, Andrew recommends that techpreneurs attend events and conferences whether there are other like-minded individuals there to help find new opportunities and expand their networks.

Fox also encourages software developers to get started with prototypes before you launch the main product, so that you can determine what the market response is and then plan accordingly based on the reception it gets. In Andrew’s words, it isn’t necessary for a product to be completely refined and perfect in order for it to work. The market will usually let you now whether or not it is popular based on consumer response.

Also, when you first launch a prototype, you will avoid coming up with a product that is outdated and that doesn’t serve the potential users’ interests. These days, it is a common mistake, where individual launch software products without the involvement of consumers and then try later on to figure out how to sell the apps to them.

Therefore, rather than having one large business plan and all of your resources and venture capital being put into it, Andrew recommends you use some of your current assets to get a prototype software created and then start to pre-sell early enough without placing yourself at too much risk first.


Beyond his career, Andrew loves luxury cars and describes himself as being a complete ‘petrol-head.’ He has owned some incredible vehicles including McLaren, Porsche, and Ferraris, but also states that currently his favorite sports car is the Porsche GT3. Andrew calls it a great driver’s car and it also provides some good noise.

Andrew has also hinted that he might be launching mastermind car events soon that should be very exciting and other large number of other petrol heads that are just like him.

Andrew strongly believes that luxury cars should first be for your enjoyment before anything else, especially for collector who might horde expensive vehicles in their garage without riving them for a long time.





To conclude, Who is Andrew Fox? He is a renowned affiliate marketing and app developer expert who has created several very popular products designed for online promoters. Currently Andrew is planning on launching a new marketing software for app development on November 6th called Mobile Agency Apps.If you want to know more about this cool software suite read my Mobile Agency Apps Review . In his free time, Andrew is an avid car enthusiast.

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