Site Information :: Affiliates
Square Enix Music Online is proud to affiliate with a number of excellent game music and general gaming sites. We also dedicate this section to links to specialised game music resources. We're keen to affiliate with other sites in the future, so check out the application details below if you're interested.
Current Affiliates
CDJapan Fantastic game music store. Competitive prices, massive selection, reliable customer service, and lots of new products. |
CocoeBiz Contains informative subsites for affiliated composers and the massive Japan-based store VGM World. |
Final Fantasy Radio Final Fantasy radio station with a broad selection, novel requests system, and no advertisements. |
The Seikens Regularly updated fan site featuring news, information, and music for the Mana series. |
VGM Rush A superb new site containing information, articles, and downloads of Western game music. |
Affiliate With Us
Square Enix Music Online is a great site to affiliate with. We're a large and respected resource that receives over 2,000 unique visitors a day. If you affiliate with us, we will offer a link to your site on every page, a news article announcing the affiliation, and a description of your site on this page. We expect something similar in return, though we are happy to negotiate concerning the exact details.
We expect our affiliates to be complete, regularly updated, well-designed, and hosted on their own domain. They should also feature a large amount of unique content related to gaming or game music. In general, we expect our affiliates to receive over 1,000 visitors a day, though we are happy to promote lesser-known sites if they are exceptional in some way.
If you meet the above criteria, we'll be very happy to hear from you. Simply email chris [at] squareenixmusic.com mentioning your site's content, visitor numbers, and affiliation policy. You should hear back from us shortly.