Welcome to Square Enix Music Online

Copyright Information

Site layout and design is © copyright 2006-, Square Enix Music Online. Please do not duplicate the design or layout on any other site without permission from the webmaster. Square Enix Music Online is in no way affiliated with Square Enix and only promotes this company and others on an unofficial basis, in a way not intended to infringe copyright.

As Square Enix Music Online is a submission-based site, it is entirely possible, despite our best intentions, that an individual has submitted music or a review that was not created by them and is copyrighted. If you feel this is the case, we apologise and urge you to contact us so we can eradicate such material, as it was not our intention for any copyright laws to be breached. Thank you.

Terms of Use

Please review the Terms of Use below before using music or texts hosted on this site elsewhere, quoting information from any of the site's reviews or composer biographies/interviews, or downloading any Weekly MP3s. Not doing this may mean you may infringe copyright law or commit plagiarism. If anything is not clear, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

Music Submissions and Album MIDIs

All music submissions hosted on this site are the property of the artists who originally created them. Permission must be granted from the appropriate artist if you wish to post a music submission hosted here elsewhere or perform a sheet music arrangement at a public event.

We do not keep record of the email addresses of artists who submit music to Square Enix Music Online for security reasons, though most artists can be contacted via the forum if you wish to use their work. If you do lawfully use a submission from Square Enix Music Online on your own site, we consider it courteous if you provide a link back to us and contact us about your intention. Not doing so may mean we will contact you to confirm whether or not our copyright agreement has been upheld.

Square Enix Music Online reserves the right to edit the information provided on sheet music submissions when appropriate. Square Enix Music Online holds the right to review and remove any music submissions at any time if they betray our music guidelines. We will not contact you if we decide to remove your work, though you are welcome to contact us if you object and wish for an explanation. Thank you.

Note that music submissions refers to any fan-created sheet music arrangements, MP3s, or MIDIs, but not album MIDIs. The majority of the Original Soundtrack MIDIs on this site were created by fans, for fans. You are free to use them on your webspace. The Piano Collection and Original Soundtrack Piano MIDIs were created by Aharon Groveman. Please contact Aharon for permission before using them on any other site.

Under no circumstances is it acceptable to link directly to music files on this site. Hosting this much music requires a great deal of bandwidth, and we do not have enough to spare for people to leech off this server. If you have obtained permission either from me, or the person who created the file(s) to host them on another site, it is absolutely mandatory that you host the files on your own server. Thanks for your understanding.

Album, Concert, and Game Reviews

All review submissions hosted on this site are the property of their authors. Permission must be granted from the appropriate author if you wish to use a review hosted here elsewhere and, if this concerns a review from a staff member, the site generally expect something in exchange.

In the case of staff reviews, it is normal policy of Square Enix Music Online to exchange reviews with certain sites, as we feel reviews all attain to a common aim to raise awareness of video game music. If a review in exchange is not possible, we ask for a prominent link back to the site for any review we donate. It is, however, ultimately the staff member's decision, not the webmaster's, as to whether a review is exchanged or donated in the first place.

All reviews, whether written by staff or contributing visitors, are intended to express only an opinion and are in no way an official interpretation of any creation. Regardless of how well somebody backs up their opinions, musical appreciation remains highly subjective, so do not necessarily expect the opinions of a review to match up with yours. Instead of criticising a review for expressing opinions you disagree with, consider creating a review yourself. This is a very constructive way to contrast opinions.

Composer Biographies and Interviews

All composer biographies hosted on this site were created exclusively by Square Enix Music Online's staff for Square Enix Music Online. It is mandatory that you contact us if you wish to publish a biography elsewhere. Not doing this is considered a severe copyright infringement.

It is highly likely that we will reject your request to use our composer biographies, considering these are one of the greatest unique assets to the site. In addition, they are pain-stakingly edited and updated on a regular basis by the site's webmaster to ensure that are continually accurate and updated; by allowing direct copying of our biographies, we would have no guarantee that the biographies hosted elsewhere are accordingly updated and feel this potentially undermines the integrity of the composer information provided on the Internet as a result. We hope you can understand and respect this heartfelt wish.

However, we welcome you to link to our biographies on your site freely. You are also allowed to copy the first paragraph of any extended biography if you provide a link to the biography saying 'More About This Composer at Square Enix Music Online'. While you may use any information provided in our composer biographies and interviews to help create other published texts, it is basic courtesy to accredit us and link back to the site when doing so. We urge you to avoid plagiarism.

Weekly MP3s and Album Samples

The Weekly MP3s on this site are used for sample purposes only and must be removed from your computer within 24 hours of downloading them unless you own the album. Providing them is not intended to undermine copyright law and we strongly suggest purchasing any CDs if you enjoy the music.

If professional artists object to our inclusion of their own works, we request that they contact us, and we will comply to their wishes. It remains our opinion that the feature is an excellent way to promote new albums, introduce certain artists and support well-established ones, but we have no intention of undermining copyright ourselves

Album samples are basically intended to give a clear taster of an album for prospective listeners. The pieces to be sampled are chosen by Square Enix Music Online's staff and we ask you to respect their choices. All samples are created by Dave, so please ask his permission if you would like to use the samples on your own webspace. Thank you.

Composer and Album Cover Images

The majority of the composer and album cover images hosted on the site are not our own, but taken, with permission, from other trustworthy sources, notably Squaremusic and Chudah's Corner, though some images have been cropped and manipulated with Photoshop.

Our reuse of images from other sites is largely for the sake of convenience (why spend countless hours scanning when high quality images are already available?) and we're gracious to the abovementioned sites that this was possible. If you want to use images from other sites yourself, it is necessary that you contact them, though you are not allowed to use images from here elsewhere.

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